Sunday, August 10, 2008

Jesus Freaks, InBreds, Addicts and Friends

I was lurking on a blog this morning that I often read and it sparked a topic for me. We moved back to my hometown about a year and a half ago. We are what I would consider "normal" people. We are married, have two girls, are educated, etc,etc. But we have had the HARDEST time making friends in this town!! Everyone seems to fall into three categories: 1. Jesus Freaks, 2. Hang out with family exclusively, or 3. Recovering addicts of some kind. So none of these categories work for us because we are 1. We are Episcopalian, booze is a must, 2. My parents are the only fam in town for us, 3. We do not attend AA and that has never been suggested to either of us. Last night, we went to a BBQ with a group of people that were in our age group, drank, and were normal. It felt so good! But it has taken us forever! I'm wondering if this happens to all people our age that move? Why does friendship change so much during this phase? Am I socially retarded and it is me??
Well I think last night was a success and we will see if we get invited to the next round of BBQs. Mouse and JuJuBe scored points for being cute/well behaved and Hubby was, as always, a hit. We shall see!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Cast of Characters

Ok. I'm back. I thought to kick this off that if there is any out there actually reading this that you should know whom I'm talking about. So let's get started with a brief description of the main characters.
I am a thirty year old mother of two girls 15 months apart. And let me go ahead and answer the questions that always follow that statement. Yes, we were trying to have another baby but we did not think it would happen so quickly. No, we are not Catholic. Yes, I DO have my hands full, don't I? And finally, yes I will be okay if the next one isn't a boy either. Ok, back to me. As of right now, I'm a SAHM but in the fall I will be returning to teaching. I have my Master's in Special Education. I was a middle school Special Ed teacher for five years and I have taken a Regular Ed 5th grade position in the fall. More on that later. I am a Texan born and bred. I have traveled extensively and seen plenty of the world to know that this is where I will always live. If you don't like my state, please leave it and go back to where ever you are from if it is so great and we are so backward. What else? Let's see. I'm married to a great guy whom I love dearly but also makes me crazy. More on him later too. I recently moved the fam back to the small town that I grew up in. Definitely more on THAT later. On to the rest of the gang.
The Mouse is my first daughter. She just turned two and is the female, toddler version of her father. She is very funny but also very demanding. Nothing she does is ever low key. She is extremely curious and very sweet at heart. Her current love is Elmo and Tigers.
JuJuBe or JuJu is my second daughter. She is 10 months old. She could not be more different from the Mouse. She is very laid back, self entertains, has a smile for everyone and tends to be forgotten at times because she is so quiet. She excels at everything and catches on very quickly. She is the mini version of me but she got her Daddy's dimples.
My husband. He is the ultimate Texpatriot. He loves all things Texas or Southern. He has read everything there is to read about Robert E. Lee and yes there is a Confederate flag hanging in his man room. He loves the outdoors especially if it involves cold beer. He loves his girls and his dog. He is the "Cliff Clavin" of useless knowledge especially about trucks. He has adult ADHD and if anyone does not believe that disorder exists just come on over to our house for a night. He is my companion although we are vastly different at times.

So that is the run down of our family. I hope it helps when I'm babbling on and you are trying to figure out what the hell I'm talking about.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Here we go!

This is my first official post in blogland. As a long time lurker on several blogs, I have finally decided to come out of the woodwork and give this a shot. Hopefully someone out there will read, but if not that's cool too. I have debated what I will type about on here. Will I be funny? Will I be interesting? Do I care? Not sure on all of those but the idea of a place where I can vent and connect with others intrigues me. So with all that said Here we go!